Hey everyone! Another beauty review type thingy today and it's all about the Soap and Glory Sugarcrush Body Butter!
This Milly loves herself some Soap and Glory loveliness. Whether it's their GORGEOUS eyeshadow quads, lusciouss hair products, super amazeballs mascara or brilliant face wash (I nearly ran out of adjectives then...), this girl's gonna love it.
My favourite scent has to be the Sugar Crush range. I wish you had smella-screen (is that even a thing?) so you could understand my feels over this stuff. The sugar crush range consists of a body butter, body scrub and body wash. I have them all. Don't judge me.
I'm going to tryyy and explain how they smell but sorry if I do a really terrible job. It's limey but doesn't smell zingy ( wow.) instead it's a sweet lime, hence why it's called sugar crush; it almost smells like lime yoghurt (oh dear). If you don't like lime scents, don't you be judging this beauty because oh my goodness it smells delicious. Let's roll with that description.
So today I'm just going to review the body cream because if I was to review all of the range you would be still reading this in the year 3000. (Where we live under water. Comment if you know what song that's from)
The Body Butter costs around £10.50. You definitely get your money's worth from the product as you only need to apply a small amount because of how beautifully it spreads, especially when you've just got out of the bath/shower and your skin's nice and moisturised. It also seeps into the skin fairly quickly so you don't feel like a slug for too long:)
Although the packaging doesn't look expensive, I love the simplistic design with all the Soap and Glory comments we all know and love. Plus it's pink and green, my two favourite colours so that sold me straight away.
My only problem with this product is that it's a screw on lid! When my hands are all buttered up (going a bit in depth here but carry on) it's extremely hard to screw on a lid! I would much prefer like a pop off one so my life would be that tad bit easier. But other than that slight moan, everything else is top job fantastic!
So that review went quite well I feel... I need to go and revise French now as I have a speaking exam tomorrow at 12:45 (during RE, YESSS) and I'm slightly stressing out over that so I must dash.
Cheerio! Milly x