Hi Everyone! Today, me and the lovely Rachel over on Rachel's Blog have decided to interview each other on our blogs, my answers are over on her blog so you all definitely all need to go and check them out!;) so off we go!
Rachel! |
1)First of all can you tell the people of the blogging world a little bit about yourself?
Thank you so much for having me on your blog! My name is Rachel and I am the owner of Rachel's Blog! I am a keen musician, writing and general chit chatter! I am in year 11 at the moment and find that blogging is an escape from the tonne of coursework and revision I have! :)
2) When did you start blogging?
2) When did you start blogging?
I started blogging when I was about 10 but recently opened up a new blog not long ago! I really love it and wish that I kept my old one going it would have been great to see all of the memories from back then!
3) Who are some of your favourite bloggers?
3) Who are some of your favourite bloggers?
1) My mum (madaboutbags)
2) Amber (themilelongbookshelf)
3) Anisa (TheBigBookshelf)
4) Of course you (Miyyi) Only recently discovered your blog but i absolutely love it!
4) Other than being a obsessed with blog writing what are your other hobbies!
My other hobbies are playing the clarinet, piano and singing and also crafty bits and bobs and hanging out with friends!
5)What made you start blogging?
My mum really, she first made her blog when I was about 10 and after that I just wanted to write down what I get up to and found a blog post would be the best option!!!
6) Do you like to listen to music when writing a blog post, if so what do you listen to?
Yes, unfortunately it is nothing to exciting it is just a little bit of GCSE music as i find listening to it the best way to remember everything about it!! Well lets see how the exam goes first!
7)Do you think it's better to write a blog post everyday or just when you feel like it?
Definitely when you want to! I find the best posts are random and not ones that are too thought out!
10)What's the longest time you've spent writing a blog post?
Probably about an hour but that is mainly because I had to import a lot of picture!!
1) Tea or Coffee?
Tea unless I go to Starbucks!
2) Bracelets or Necklace?
Bracelets all the way!!
3) Summer or Winter?
A bit of both!
4) Dresses or Jeans?
Jeans, they are comfy!!!
Thank you to Rachel for checking out my blog and emailing me to get all this set up, it's been super fun!
Let me know what you guys thought about the interview in the comments below!
Cheerio! Milly x
Email me: milly.w.h@gmail.com