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Sunday, 29 September 2013

Rachel Interview!

Hi Everyone! Today, me and the lovely Rachel over on Rachel's Blog have decided to interview each other on our blogs, my answers are over on her blog so you all definitely all need to go and check them out!;) so off we go!


1)First of all can you tell the people of the blogging world a little bit about yourself?

Thank you so much for having me on your blog! My name is Rachel and I am the owner of Rachel's Blog! I am a keen musician, writing and general chit chatter! I am in year 11 at the moment and find that blogging is an escape from the tonne  of coursework and revision I have! :)

2) When did you start blogging?

I started blogging when I was about 10 but recently opened up a new blog not long ago! I really love it and wish that I kept my old one going it would have been great to see all of the memories from back then!

3) Who are some of your favourite bloggers? 

1) My mum (madaboutbags)
2) Amber (themilelongbookshelf)
3) Anisa (TheBigBookshelf)
4) Of course you (Miyyi) Only recently discovered your blog but i absolutely love it! 

4) Other than being a obsessed with blog writing what are your other hobbies!

My other hobbies are playing the clarinet, piano and singing and also crafty bits and bobs and hanging out with friends!

5)What made you start blogging?

My mum really, she first made her blog when I was about 10 and after that I just wanted to write down what I get up to and found a blog post would be the best option!!!

6) Do you like to listen to music when writing a blog post, if so what do you listen to?

Yes, unfortunately it is nothing to exciting it is just a little bit of GCSE music as i find listening to it the best way to remember everything about it!! Well lets see how the exam goes first! 

7)Do you think it's better to write a blog post everyday or just when you feel like it?

Definitely when you want to! I find the best posts are random and not ones that are too thought out!

10)What's the longest time you've spent writing a blog post?
Probably about an hour but that is mainly because I had to import a lot of picture!! 


1) Tea or Coffee?
 Tea unless I go to Starbucks! 

2) Bracelets or Necklace? 
Bracelets all the way!! 

3) Summer or Winter? 
A bit of both! 

4) Dresses or Jeans? 
Jeans, they are comfy!!!

Thank you to Rachel for checking out my blog and emailing me to get all this set up, it's been super fun!

Let me know what you guys thought about the interview in the comments below!

Cheerio! Milly x

Email me:

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Autumn Tag

In response to me tagging Holly over on A Daydreamers Thoughts to do the 50 facts about me tag, Holly has tagged me to do the autumn tag, yay! So off we go and thanks Holly:D

For Autumn, what is your...

1.Favourite thing about it? 

When you walk, your feet crackle:)

2.Favourite drink?

During the day: Apple juice. On an evening: Hot chocolate with squirty cream, yum:p

3. Favourite smell?

Gun powder after the fireworks have exploded!

5. Favourite hairstyle?

Well I have short hair which means it stays styled the same so I usually just slightly back comb it and hope for the best. It all gets ruined anyway as soon as I put a woolly hat on;)

6. Favourite coloured eyeshadow

Dark shimmery brown smokey eyes.

7. Favourite Music/bands to listen to?

Arctic Monkeys new album AM (which is ace by the way) But by this time, I've usually already got my Christmas songs on repeat;) 

8. Favourite outfit to wear?

Warm dark leggings and a baggy cable-knit jumper topped off with a cute woolly hat, usually with some sort of animal on it:)

9. Autumn buy?

Ear muffs with owls on!

10. Favourite place to be?

Snuggled up in bed with a hot water bottle and a good book, or my phone:)

Well I hope you guys enjoyed that! Thanks again Holly for taggign me:)
I tag: Catriona over on Sitting Under The Apple Tree
        And anyone else who wishes to express there love for Autumn:)

Cheerio! Milly x

Email me:

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

I've Finally Read 'The Fault in our Stars'!

Miyyi is not at heart a book blog, but a 'whatever I want to blog about blog'. So today I thought I'd blog about The Fault in Ours Stars, which everyone has been raving about and which I've only just got round to reading. So off we go!

I had expectations for this book that I'd gathered from book bloggers and general chit chat, I knew this was going to be good. I started reading it knowing it might be a love story full of humour and metaphores, but maybe most of all, I knew this might be a very sad book indeed.

This is a book about cancer, but I don't think it feels like a depressing tragedy, instead, it shows you that even if you're ill, it doesn't stop you doing the things you love and being happy. In a way, this book can be viewed in a positive and happy light.

The characters are very memorable for there own unique personality and little quirks that are so original and make you laugh and cry. My favourite character of course was Augustus. I think this is because of his metaphoric cigarette that just made me laugh when he first mentioned it;)

The love story I thought was very cleverly done indeed with the way they met and how they were around each other being a teenagers love dream;) However, ultimately, I thought this story was a tale of friendship which shows that as long as you have that one special person, everything will be ok...

I agree that this book is very sad, but surprisingly, I didn't cry. I put this down to John Green not ringing out the sad parts for too long, this shows the sadness but doesn't focus on it making it unbearable and making me sob. I liked that:)

All in all I really enjoyed the balance of the emotions in this book. The happy parts were happy and the sad parts were sad, but both things weren't too over the top.

So yeah, a short book thinking review type sort of thing. What did you think? When did you read 'The Fault in our Stars'? Let me know in the comments:)

Cheerio! Milly x

email me:

Saturday, 7 September 2013

50 Facts About Me!

Hey everyone! Today I thought I'd do the 50 facts about me tag so it gives you guys the chance to get to know me a little bit better:)
Sorry if you find this sort of post a tad boring but nevertheless off we go!

1. I have 3 cats: Blackie who's 16, Tinka who's 4 and Lola who's also 4.

2. I love funky, quirky T-Shirts:)

3. I'm 14 in year 10 of school which is the first year of high school in America I think?

4. I have a sister called Poppy.

5. I live in a small village in Yorkshire surrounded by countryside.

6. I dive for Leeds.

7. I've been a bridesmaid twice.

8. I play the double bass and violin- I'm working towards my grade 4 in both.

9. I have 2 trampolines in my front garden.

10. I've broken my arm by turning a kids plastic slide upside down and then climbing up backwards and jumping off. Don't ask.

11. I've also broken my rib by riding my bmx off of a very unstable ramp on a curb, this resulted in me going over the handle bars and the handle bars going into my rib. I wont give any more details...

12. My favourite musical is Hairspray.

13. I have four pack abs, 'cos I'm sooo hard...

14. I collect rubbers, infact I've written a post about it here that tells you ALL about it.

15. When I was about 10 I used to spend all my time talking to chatbots on MSN, I was a very social child...

16. I'm a girl gamer.

17. My favourite game ever is Zelda Ocarina of time which I play on the N64.

18. My first ever game was TAZ on the original xbox, I started playing it when I was 2?! I say playing it but really I probably just sat there drooling all over the controller.

19. I don't have a favourite book, I like too many of them ok?

20. I love to bake.

21. I can't say the word squirrel, it comes out "squuiirrrl" or "scirril"...

22. I always have painted nails, even at school I have a light colour on like what I show on my blog post here.

23. I have really fair, pale skin. This means I burn super easily:(

24. One of my eyes is a light green, and one is a dark green, scary stuff:O

25. I'm a green belt in Taekwondo, again, I'm sooo hard.

26. The first car I drove was a ferrari when I was 13, I drove very slow.

27. I've never been on an aeroplane but I'm excited to.

28. I'm truly terrible at listening and get distracted really easily, give me a book or write it down and I'm fine:)

29. I am not a fussy eater, I eat anything and everything food.

30. When I was little I had bright blonde hair, it's gradually getting darker and darker.

31. I want to be a vet when I'm older.

32. I have 5 youtube channels consisting of me and my sister miming to stupid songs from about 6 years ago, trampolining, music playing and news report spoofs. I'm not going to link them, let me know if you find any;)

33. I love heights, rollercoasters and climbing but I can't stand spinny roundy rides:/

34. My birthday is on the 7th of January- I'm a Capricorn.

35. I used to play Rugby before I realised that girls who play rugby are usually a lot bigger and stronger than petite diver Milly.

36. I'm shoe size 6.

37. I love Costa Frappuccinos, mmm.

38. I used to be intolerant to cheese but now I love it:D

39. I really do not like spiders, I scream.

40. My first word was "baby".

41. My middle name is Grace.

42. My favourite food is fruit, I can't narrow it down more than that.

43. My favourite colours are green and pink.

44. I always carry around lip-balm as I hate to have dry lips.

45. My favourite subjects at school are maths, science, music and drama.

46. I know pi to 37 decimal places...

47. When I was little I went through a phase of only eating cheese and chips.

48. A couple of weeks ago I rode a horesicle around as part of an arts project.

49. One day I would love to have a pen pal.

50. Finally, I've been writing my blog for 4 months (loving it)and can't wait for my blog to grow! I love my small number of followers who comment and give feedback on my posts, it really helps my blog to get better so thank you!:)

Well I hope you all enjoyed that fun tag!
I tag:

Let me know if any of you do this tag in the comments and I'll be sure to check it out:)

Cheerio! Milly x

Got a burning question? Email me at