In response to me tagging Holly over on A Daydreamers Thoughts to do the 50 facts about me tag, Holly has tagged me to do the autumn tag, yay! So off we go and thanks Holly:D
For Autumn, what is your...
1.Favourite thing about it?
When you walk, your feet crackle:)
2.Favourite drink?
During the day: Apple juice. On an evening: Hot chocolate with squirty cream, yum:p
3. Favourite smell?
Gun powder after the fireworks have exploded!
5. Favourite hairstyle?
Well I have short hair which means it stays styled the same so I usually just slightly back comb it and hope for the best. It all gets ruined anyway as soon as I put a woolly hat on;)
6. Favourite coloured eyeshadow
Dark shimmery brown smokey eyes.
7. Favourite Music/bands to listen to?
Arctic Monkeys new album AM (which is ace by the way) But by this time, I've usually already got my Christmas songs on repeat;)
8. Favourite outfit to wear?
Warm dark leggings and a baggy cable-knit jumper topped off with a cute woolly hat, usually with some sort of animal on it:)
9. Autumn buy?
Ear muffs with owls on!
10. Favourite place to be?
Snuggled up in bed with a hot water bottle and a good book, or my phone:)
Well I hope you guys enjoyed that! Thanks again Holly for taggign me:)
I tag: Catriona over on Sitting Under The Apple Tree
And anyone else who wishes to express there love for Autumn:)
Cheerio! Milly x
Email me: milly.w.h@gmail.com
Hiya!! I have love your blog and would love it if you check mine out! :):)