When baking it's good to start with the ingredients, so that's exactly what I'm going to do! You will need...
- 115g of self raising flour
- 115g of caster sugar
- A pinch of salt
- 55g of cocoa
- 55g of margerine
- 1 beaten egg
- 4 tablespoons of milk
- 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence
- 115g of brown sugar
- 1/2 pint of boiling water

Measure the flour and add into a large microwaveable mixing bowl, add to that the caster sugar, salt and 30g of the cocoa. Don't mix yet!
Next, melt the margarine and add egg, milk and vanilla essence to the bowl and mix well.
The next part is the making of the sauce and involves sprinkling the rest of the cocoa and brown sugar evenly on the top of the mixture.
Then, pour 1/2 pint of boiling water on the top of the sprinkle of chocolatey
sugary happiness.
Finally, plop it in the microwave for around 6 minutes until it's warm all the way through with a gooey chocolatey sauce on top!
Serve with cream, custard or fruit, all 3 if you really want to! ITS SO AMAZINGLY YUMMY AND YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO MAKE IT WOOP YUM.
Well there we go. Milly attempted to demonstrate her fine culinary skills. This recipe is so quick and easy and is a brilliant hot pud that I hope you all have the great privilege to try at some point:)))
If you have a go at making this please let me know on twitter or instagram by using the hashtag: BakingWithMiyyi and tagging me on instagram: @millywh
and Twitter: @GrumpyTortoise
I hope to see some of your creations. YAY!!
Cheerio! Milly x
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