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Monday, 29 September 2014

Leeds Den Festival!

So yesterday I went den building in Leeds. My life is one big artsy adventure...

How cool is this guy's scooter, an inspiration really;)

And here's our creation, THE FLOWER PALACE^_^...

It takes a lot of concentration to make an awesome flower
VoilĂ !

Obviously a real working kettle...
Just making eggs brb

Hope you're all appreciating the picture (my best work)

 All of the dens were AMAZING! I can't believe how much fun I had sticking bits of cardboard together and making tissue paper flowers all day.

Our den wasn't structurally that great I mean we don't even have a roof for goodness sake! But our interior is top notch wonderfulness even if I do say so myself. (modest)

It was so warm and sunny as well on Sunday, I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if it was chucking it down with rain... The cardboard would have got very damp and soggy.

 A woman said to me that she didn't think about anything else in her life, just making her den as best as it could be. She's absolutely right, I felt escaped from everything and, to be honest, I could have happily lived in that little den village forever! (if there was WIFI, let's be real people)

To top off this Sunday, we only managed to win one of the 4 prizes for best den! We won a gift voucher, woop!^_^

The den village is staying up for a couple of days so if you're in Leeds then I would highly recommend popping into the Tetley Gallery and having a look:))

I hope you liked this unusual post! From the pictures, what den is your favourite? (excluding ours because obvs it was the best;)) Have you ever made a den?!

Cheerio! Milly x


Previous post click HERE


  1. This sounds like the PERFECT day!
    Would love if you could check out my blog if you get a chance!

  2. Wow.. they are all so impressive... but I'm in love with the one you created! Flower place... such a beautiful name!
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

    1. There were some amazing dens! Thanks^_^xx

  3. Wow that's pretty cool I didn't even know about this! They look so cool! Lovely photos too, Abi :)

    1. Neither did I until the day!! Thank you^_^xxx

  4. This festival looks incredible! I'd love to do a project like that; I would let my imagination go crazy :)
