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Monday 22 July 2013

Wildlife "paddling pools"

In England it is summer time, and for once, it's warm and sunny! We British don't get a lot of this. There's even a mini heatwave going on in Yorkshire at the moment! Because of the heat, my little sister thought of building a mini wildlife "paddling pool" in our garden. Being the big sister, I got asked to help and after lots of please and puppy eyes, I succumbed.

It was actually, to my suprise, quite fun!

First of all we found a suitable height and depth box or tub, not too high so that the wildlife can't reach to get a drink or risk drowning, not too shallow so that the water doesn't just evaporate.

Next, we filled to tub up with water. Note: This is best done with an outside tap as filling a flimsy tub right to the top over the kitchen sink results in mass spiliges. We learnt this from experience.

Then, we scavanged for rocks around our little back road.
Once you have all of your building materials, sticks, flower petals, leaves etc. It's time to assemble, exciting times!

Make it look extra pretty, we made a leaf and twig shelter as well as a nice relaxation area for any tired critters... My little sister also had the caring thought of building little stairs for any drowning flys to be able to easily climb out. I just went along with that one...

And then you're done, Horray! 
Have any of you guys ever made wildlife pools? Take a picture of yours and use #miyyiwildlifepools on twitter and instagram so I can take a look too!
Cheerio! Milly x
Instagram: @MillyWH
Twitter: @GrumpyTortoise